Data Definition

In order to search for data in the archive, there are two main entities:

In addition, there are other entities that could help to refine the searches, and access more of the available data see below:


The 'Investigation' entity describes the investigation through the metadata fields listed below.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_investigation.

investigation_name Name of the investigation
investigation_unique_acronym Unique acronym assign to the investigation
investigation_title Title of the investigation
investigation_op_nom Operations name of the investigation
investigation_doi Digital object identifier for the investigation
short_description Short description of the investigation
objectives Objectives of the investigation
procedure Procedure follow in the investigation
results Results of the investigation
earth_benefits Information regarding benefits that might be useful at Earth from the investigation
space_benefits Information regarding benefits that might be useful in Space from the investigation
start_date Start time of the investigation
end_date End time of the investigation
platform_name Name of the platform where the investigation has been performed
hre_category_name Group of categories of Human and Robotic Exploration the investigation belongs too
key_question_name Purpose/objetive of the investigation, area of study
payload Metadata where experiment payloads are defined
facilities Facilities where the investigation is performed
data_available Flag showing if there is scientific data available for the investigation
ancillary_data_available Flag showing if there is scientific ancillary data available for the investigation
medical_sensive Flag that indicates that the investigation contains medically sensitive data
ipr_data Flag that indicates if the data of this investigation is under Intellectual Property Rights
investigation_short_title Short title of the investigation
team_coordinator_name Name of a principal investigator (PI)
team_member_name Name of an investigator
mission_name Name of the mission

File Metadata

The 'File Metadata' entity describes the information of a file product of an investigation with the metadata fields listed below.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_file_metadata.

Note that for some datasets or products, these metadata could have access restricted.

file_name Name of the file
file_path Directory where the data is structured
file_size Size of the data file
ingestion_date Date of the ingestion
metadata_ingestion_date Date of the metadata ingestion
acquisition_time Acquisition start time of the data
acquisition_end_time Acquisition end time of the data
creation_time Creation time of the data file
dataset_name Name of the dataset to which the data belongs to
dataset_unique_acronym Acronym with the unique identifier of the dataset to which the data belongs to
investigation_name Name of the investigation to which the data belongs to
investigation_unique_acronym Unique acronym assign to the investigation
model Indicates if data is coming from the Flight Model (FM) or the Engineering Model (EM)
data_source Specifies the source of the data (Science, Engineering Test, troubleshooting, comissioning, etc)
data_owners List that specifies the owner ( or owners) of the data
data_authors List of th names of the persons who produced the data
subjects List of subjects involved in the dataset
processing_level Data processing level (raw=0, processed=1, post-processed=2)
product_type Type of data (image, tabular data, video, etc)
file_format Information about the type/encoding of data and other information needed to read the file. As much information as necessary shall be included: for example, the encoding format and parameters of video files, color space...
relative_path Token with the relative path where the file shall be stored
integrity_method Integrity method used for the file
integrity_value Integrity value used for the file
security_level Element that defines the data accessibility (0: public, 1: limited access, 2: privileged, 3: admin)
specific_metadata Metadata fields that are specific for each investigation. It is in JSON format and it needs to be access in an specific way. See generic examples to access them
extra_information Metadata fields that are specific for each investigation but it is not possible to search inside them. See generic examples to access them
prior_access_initial_date Initial date of the prior access period for the dataset
prior_access_end_date End date of the prior access period for the dataset


The 'Keyword' entity provides the available keywords registered for an investigation.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_keyword_investigation.

investigation_name Name of the investigation
investigation_unique_acronym Unique acronym assign to the investigation
keyword_name Name of the keyword
keyword_id Unique identifier for the keyword

Team Coordinator

The 'Team Coordinator' entity provides the relation of personal/institution involved in the investigation.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_team_coordinators.

investigation_name Name of the investigation
investigation_unique_acronym Unique identifier for the investigation
team_coordinator_affiliation_name Name of the institution involved in the investigation
team_coordinator_affiliation_country Country of the institution involved in the investigation
team_coordinator_affiliation_address Address of the institution involved in the investigation
team_coordinator_name Name of the coordinator for the investigation

The 'Sponsor' entity provides the relation of the investigation sponsorship.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_sponsors.

investigation_name Name of the investigation
investigation_unique_acronym Unique identifier for the investigation
sponsor_affiliation_name Name of the institution involved in the investigation
sponsor_affiliation_country Country of the institution involved in the investigation
sponsor_affiliation_address Address of the institution involved in the investigation
sponsor_name Name of the sponsor for the investigation

Team Member

The 'Team Member' entity provides the relation of personal/institution involved in the investigation.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_team_members.

investigation_name Name of the investigation
investigation_unique_acronym Unique identifier for the investigation
team_member_affiliation_name Name of the institution involved in the investigation
team_member_affiliation_country Country of the institution involved in the investigation
team_member_affiliation_address Address of the institution involved in the investigation
team_member_name Name of the team member for the investigation

Industrial Partner

The 'Industrial Partner' entity provides the relation of the investigation partnership.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_industrial_partners.

investigation_name Name of the investigation
investigation_unique_acronym Unique identifier for the investigation
industrial_partner_affiliation_name Name of the institution involved in the investigation
industrial_partner_affiliation_country Country of the institution involved in the investigation
industrial_partner_affiliation_address Address of the institution involved in the investigation
partner_name Name of the partner for the investigation


The 'Experiment' entity relates an experiment with the investigation where it took place.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_experiment.

experiment_name Name of the experiment
investigation_name Name of the investigation the experiment belongs to
investigation_unique_acronym Unique acronym assign to the investigation
start_date Start date of the experiment
end_date End date of the experiment
missions Name of the HRE missions
operations_entity Operation entity
involved_crew Personal/crew involved in the experiment


The 'Dataset' entity relates an dataset with the HRE (Human and Robotic Exploration) missions identifier.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_dataset.

dataset_unique_acronym Unique identifier for the dataset
dataset_name Name of the dataset
dataset_description Description for the dataset
dataset_doi Digital object identifier for the dataset
investigation_name Name of the investigation the dataset belongs to
investigation_unique_acronym Unique acronym assign to the investigation
prior_access_initial_date Initial date of the prior access period for the dataset
prior_access_end_date End date of the prior access period for the dataset
start_date Start date of the HRE mission
end_date End date of the HRE mission
subjects List of subjects involved in the dataset
prior_access_days Number of dates after the initial date when information is only available for authorized users
data_available Flag showing if there is scientific data available for the experiment


The 'Platforms' entity describe the list of platforms..
Searches should be done using the table: hreda.platform.

platform_id Unique identifier for the platform
platform_name Name of the platform
platform_group_name Name of the platform group
is_operative Flag to indicate whether the platform is operating


The 'Missions' entity describe the list of missions.
Searches should be done using the table: hreda.hre_mission.

hre_mission_id Unique identifier for the HRE mission
hre_mission_name Name of the HRE mission
platform_id Unique identifier for the platform
platform_name Name of the platform
start_date Start date of the HRE mission
end_date End date of the HRE mission


The 'Categories' entity describe the list of categories
Searches should be done using the table: hreda.hre_category.

hre_category_id Unique identifier for the HRE category
hre_category_name Name of the HRE category


The 'Affiliations' entity describe the list of institutions
Searches should be done using the table: hreda.affiliation.

affiliation_id Unique identifier for the institution
affiliation_name Name of the institution
country Country of the institution
address Address of the institution

Investigation Filter

The 'Investigation Filter' entity relates an investigation with all the parameters that have been identified as main search criteria for that investigation.
Searches should be done using the view: hreda.v_investigation_filter and the fields it contains are:.

investigation_name Name of the investigation to which the filter belongs to
investigation_unique_acronym Unique identifier for the investigation
filter_name Name of the filter,label that users will see at Web User Interface
filter_type Data type on which this filter is applied, can be one of: TIME_INTERVAL, NUMERIC_INTERVAL, ENUMERATION, BOOLEAN
filter_description Description of the filter
specific_filter Flag that indicates whether the parameter of this filter is specific for this investigation or belongs to the global file metadata
metadata_field In case the parameter is specific to this investigation, this is the name of that parameter
first_date In case the filter is of type "TIME_INTERVAL", this is the minimum date value of this parameter that the current user can see
last_date In case the filter is of type "TIME_INTERVAL", this is the maximum date value of this parameter that the current user can see
min_number In case the filter is of type "NUMERIC_INTERVAL", this is the minimum numeric value of this parameter that the current user can see
max_number In case the filter is of type "NUMERIC_INTERVAL", this is the maximum numeric value of this parameter that the current user can see
values_enumeration In case the filter is of type "ENUMERATION", this is a comma separated list of the possible values this parameter may take